Conference on "Defining the profession of paralegals in the contemporary legal reality", 3rd Graduation Ceremony of Paralegals, organized by Nomiki Bibliothiki, Athens, July 2018
Conference on “Competition on the merits. The Dos and Dont's of compliance”, organized by the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises, Athens, June 2018
10th Imedipa Conference on Competition Law and Policy, organized by IMEDIPA, UCL, QUEEN MARY, Athens, June 2018
Our tax litigation team successfully represented a leading pharmaceutical company before the Athens Administrative Court of Appeal and achieved an unprecedented win in a tens of millions income tax and transfer pricing challenge. The Court upheld our arguments on the tax productivity of various types of expenses, including expenses for medical events, while it annulled in total the transfer pricing adjustment and the corresponding transfer pricing fine and ordered refund of the unduly paid tax with interest
The tax team successfully represented a high-profile international oil and gas operations company before the Athens Administrative Court of Appeal in a multimillion tax dispute related to imposition of excessive fines following a transfer pricing adjustment. By successfully pleading enforcement of the more favorable penalty principle the Court eliminated the fines
3rd Corporate Lawyers Forum, organized by Palladian Communications Specialists, Athens, June 2018
Conference on “Tax Policy: tools for the selection of the tax system, issues of tax enforcement, pathogenic and development phenomena”, organized by International Fiscal Association, Athens, May 2018
14th Athens Tax Forum, organized by the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, Athens, April 2018
Business Partners, American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, Athens, April 2018
Author, Law Business Research Ltd, 6th Edition, Athens, 2018
organized by the French-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Athens, March 2018